HESLB Guidelines and Criteria 2024/2025 Loan Board Tanzania - EDUFORUM TZ

HESLB Guidelines and Criteria 2024/2025 Loan Board Tanzania

HESLB Guidelines and Criteria
Written by ahazijoseph

HESLB Guidelines and Criteria;-If you’re a Tanzanian student with aspirations of pursuing higher education but find yourself grappling with financial constraints, the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) is here to offer a helping hand. Established under Act No. 9 of 2004 (with subsequent modifications in 2007, 2014, and 2016), HESLB’s primary goal is to provide loans and grants to deserving and needy students, enabling them to access quality education.

Are you ready to embark on your educational journey? HESLB has opened the window for loan applications for the academic year 2023/2024. But before you jump in, let’s take a closer look at the guidelines and criteria that pave the way to your educational aspirations.

What Are the Guidelines and Criteria?

In simple terms, guidelines are instructions that show you how to do something or what’s expected. In the context of HESLB, these guidelines and criteria outline the steps and requirements you need to meet to secure financial assistance for your higher education.

Who Can Apply?

If you’re a Tanzanian student looking to pursue higher education, you’re eligible to apply for HESLB loans and grants. The eligibility criteria encompass several key factors:

  1. You must have applied for a loan through the Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS).
  2. You must have gained admission to a recognized Higher Education Institution on a full-time basis.
  3. You should not have alternative sources of funding for your education.
  4. For undergraduate applicants, you should not be employed regularly, either in the public or private sector.
  5. Continuing students must have passed the necessary exams to progress to the next stage of their studies.

Additional Criteria for Needy Students

If you find yourself facing financial challenges, HESLB offers additional support for those who qualify as “needy” applicants. You might be considered needy if:

  • You are an orphan or partial orphan (with supporting documentation).
  • You have a disability (along with necessary medical validation).
  • You come from a lower-income household or marginalized community and have received previous education support.
  • You are enrolled in a Special Economic Support Program, such as the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF).

How Does the Application Process Work?

The HESLB application process is designed to be user-friendly and accessible. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Read and follow the application procedures outlined in the guidelines.
  2. Ensure that your Form Four Index Number matches the one used for your university or college admission.
  3. Provide certified documents as specified in the guidelines.
  4. Complete the loan application form accurately and ensure your bank account details are correct.
  5. Keep a copy of your application for future reference.
  6. Adhere to the application deadline.

What Can HESLB Loans Cover?

HESLB loans can be used to cover various educational expenses, including:

  1. Meals and Accommodation (MA)
  2. Tuition Fee (TF)
  3. Books and Stationery Expenses (BS)
  4. Special Faculty Requirements (SFR)
  5. Research Expenses (RES)
  6. Field Practical Training (FPT)

For More criteria view or Download the PDF here; HESLB PDF GUIDELINE

Understanding Loan Repayment: Fulfilling Financial Obligations

Loan repayment is a crucial aspect of the higher education journey that students and beneficiaries of financial assistance need to comprehend. It’s the process of returning the borrowed funds according to the terms and conditions set by the lending institution. In the context of the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB), understanding loan repayment is essential for maintaining financial responsibility and ensuring a successful educational experience.

Key Components of Loan Repayment Information

When it comes to loan repayment, several key components need your attention. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

Repayment Schedule

Upon the successful completion of your studies, a repayment schedule will be provided outlining when and how you are expected to start repaying your loan. This schedule includes the repayment start date, installment amounts, frequency (monthly or annually), and the total duration of the repayment period.

Interest Rates

Interest rates determine the cost of borrowing and are a crucial factor in loan repayment. HESLB loans may have fixed or variable interest rates. Understanding the interest rate structure will help you calculate the total amount you’ll repay over the loan term.

Grace Period

Many loans, including HESLB loans, offer a grace period after you graduate or complete your studies. During this period, you are not required to make repayments. Familiarize yourself with the duration of the grace period and any conditions that may apply.

Loan Servicing

Loan servicing refers to the process of managing and administering your loan account. HESLB will provide you with information about how to make repayments, whether through designated banks, online platforms, or other methods. Ensure you understand the options available to you and follow the guidelines provided.

Prepayment and Early Repayment

Some borrowers may have the option to prepay or make early repayments on their loans. This involves paying off a portion or the entire loan amount before the scheduled due date. If you have the means to do so, early repayment can help you save on interest costs.

Consequences of Default

Understanding the consequences of defaulting on your loan is crucial. Defaulting occurs when you fail to make the required repayments as per the agreed-upon schedule. Consequences may include additional fees, damage to your credit score, and legal actions. It’s important to stay informed and communicate with the lending institution if you face financial difficulties.

Financial Planning

Creating a budget and financial plan that incorporates loan repayment is a proactive step. By understanding your future financial commitments, you can make informed decisions and ensure that loan repayment remains manageable.

Navigating Loan Repayment

Loan repayment is not only a legal obligation but also a responsible financial commitment. By comprehending the various aspects of loan repayment, you’re better equipped to manage your finances and fulfill your obligations. As you embark on your educational journey with the support of HESLB, remember that responsible loan repayment is an integral part of your transition from student to successful graduate.

For specific details about your HESLB loan repayment terms, consult the loan agreement provided to you and reach out to HESLB for any clarifications you may need. Remember, being informed and proactive is key to a smooth loan repayment experience.


As you embark on your educational journey, HESLB’s guidelines and criteria serve as your roadmap to accessing higher education funding. By understanding and fulfilling these criteria, you’re not just securing financial support – you’re investing in your future and the future of Tanzania. Don’t miss this opportunity; ensure you meet the requirements and submit your application through the Online Application and Management System (OLAMS).

For more detailed information, you can download the Loan Application Guideline from the HESLB website. Remember, this is your chance to unlock the doors of education and shape your path to success.

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