Paradigms College of Health Sciences Fee Structure
Paradigms College of Health Sciences Fee Structure

Paradigms College of Health Sciences Fee Structure For 2024/2025

Paradigms College of Health Sciences Fee Structure, Fee Structure at Paradigms College of Health Sciences for 2024, 

As prospective students of Paradigms College of Health Sciences, understanding the financial commitments involved is crucial. This guide will provide you with an overview of the fee structure for the academic year 2024, along with details on payment options and the programs offered.

Overview of Paradigms College of Health Sciences

Paradigms College of Health Sciences, located in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is a prominent private institution that produces skilled health professionals. The college offers a range of programs designed to equip students with the competencies required to address various health and societal needs. The institution aims to be a leading African health sciences college, fostering excellence through quality education and practical training.

Fee Structure for 2024

For the academic year 2024, Paradigms College of Health Sciences is offering a 20% discount on its original fee structure across all programs. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the discounted fees:

Programs and Discounted Fees

  1. Clinical Medicine:
    • Original Fee: TShs 2,500,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 2,000,000
  2. Nursing and Midwifery:
    • Original Fee: TShs 2,500,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 2,000,000
  3. Medical Laboratory:
    • Original Fee: TShs 2,500,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 2,000,000
  4. Pharmaceutical Science:
    • Original Fee: TShs 2,300,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,840,000
  5. Community Development:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,500,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,150,000
  6. Social Work:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,500,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,150,000
  7. Land Management and Valuation:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,800,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,400,000
  8. Law:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,600,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,230,000
  9. Architecture:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,800,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,400,000
  10. Civil Engineering:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,800,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,400,000
  11. Electrical Engineering:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,800,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,400,000
  12. Procurement and Supply:
    • Original Fee: TShs 1,600,000
    • Discounted Fee: TShs 1,230,000

Payment Installments

To facilitate manageable payments, Paradigms College offers flexible installment options for different intakes:

April Intake

  • 1st Installment: 21st March
  • 2nd Installment: 1st June
  • 3rd Installment: 1st September
  • 4th Installment: 1st November

September Intake

  • 1st Installment: 1st September
  • 2nd Installment: 2nd January
  • 3rd Installment: 1st April
  • 4th Installment: 1st June

Additional Information

Paradigms College of Health Sciences is known for its high-quality education and its role as a key player in Tanzania’s educational landscape. The college operates under the guidelines of the National Technical Award (NTA) system established by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE), offering a variety of health science programs from basic technician certificates to advanced diplomas.

Institution Details:

Please visit the official website for more details on program specifics and application procedures.


Structure at Paradigms College of Health Sciences is a critical step in your educational journey. With the current discounts and flexible payment options, the college provides an accessible path to pursuing a career in health sciences and other related fields. By understanding these financial details, you can better plan and prepare for your studies, ensuring a smooth transition into your chosen program